这年头,拼爹早已不是新鲜事,看看火爆荧屏的综艺节目《爸爸去哪儿》,你就知道,现如今流行的是“拼孩”,英文表达是mompetition或dadpetition。 Mompetition is the one-up rivalry that moms play making their child seem better, smarter, and/or more advanced than yours. It may involve two or more moms and any number of children, even full-grown. “拼孩”,是妈妈们之间的比拼,比谁的孩子看上去更好、更聪明,或比别人的孩子更超前,并且努力在这一竞争中抢占上风。可能是两个或更多的妈妈在互相比拼,比拼的对象甚至可能是已经成年的孩子。 These days the mompetition is much more overt. Moms make snide comments about snacks brought to the play date, outfits worn to the school sing along, or educational choices. They compete to prove their worth.